Melissa Johnston
Welcome to Wentworth Point High School. I am a proud public education principal. I am excited to be building the foundations of our new and developing school community, as we commence with Year 7 in 2025.
Wentworth Point High School is an inclusive comprehensive co-educational high school. The extensive modern 6 storey facility located on the beautiful Parramatta River caters for the growing population in Wentworth Point, Rhodes, Newington and Sydney Olympic Park. Wentworth Point is a densely populated peninsular supporting green modes of travel with ample bike parking for students and staff. Our mainstream and support unit general learning spaces and specialist facilities support diverse learning pathways and post school options. We have accessibility and hearing augmentation throughout the school. We also have access to local facilities such as in Sydney Olympic Park.
As a new and developing school we are establishing our school culture and our identity as a school community. A high expectations culture will support student learning and a sense of community and belonging for students, staff and families. We are committed to developing the whole child and optimising learning opportunities for diverse students. This will include an inclusive educational environment, student voice and the development of respectful relationships. Student wellbeing procedures and programs will emphasise engagement in learning and sense of belonging. We will maximise the flexible learning spaces through student transition programs and staff inductions with explicit expectations regarding optimal teaching and learning. Student opportunities will include the creative and performing arts, STEM, sports and leadership.
Families will have the opportunity to engage in school activities and programs on site and online. This will include events that showcase student progress and achievements in, for example, learning discussions, project showcases and recognition awards. Student voice and consultation with community will inform our school planning, and decision-making.
I look forward to building positive partnerships to enable students to reach their potential.
Melissa Johnston