Wentworth Point High School

Opening Term 1 2025




Wentworth Point High School students are expected to be in full school uniform every day. School uniforms promote a sense of belonging for students and contribute to a positive identity for the school community. School uniforms also contribute to the personal safety of students by allowing for easier recognition of students, both at school and in the wider community. Our uniform has a range of flexible options to cater for student preferences.


Uniform Expectations

  • Students are expected to wear their academic uniform on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
  • Students may wear their sport uniform to school on Tuesday.
  • Students may wear the soft shell jacket on any day. It is not reserved for sports day (Tuesday).
  • Students must wear black, fully enclosed, leather-upper shoes with their academic uniform. See examples of the types of shoes that are acceptable below.


Purchasing uniforms

After an extensive consultation period, the official WPHS uniform has now started production!



Website: https://www.rejiuniforms.com.au/

Password: happy



Orders which were placed at the end of Term 4/online will be available for collection in the week commencing 27 January. Reji (our uniform providers) will text and call families when the uniforms are ready. 



The Uniform Shop (located on the school grounds) will be open on the following dates in January:

Thursday 23 January: 8:00am-12:00pm

Wednesday 29 January: 8:00am-12:00pm

Parents may purchase items directly on these dates and pick up orders placed at the end of 2024.



The Uniform Shop will be open on the following days at the start of Term 1:

Thursday 6 February: 8:00am – 9:30am

Thursday 13 February:  8:00am – 9:30am

Thursday 20 February: 8:00am – 9:30am

A decision will then be made about future days (depending on demand). The shop will open for the purchase of winter uniform items late Term 1/early Term 2.

Online orders will also be available.

The Uniform Price List can be found at this link: Uniform Price List

Girls Academic Uniform

Girls Academic Uniform

Students have the option of wearing a skirt, long pants or shorts.

Made-to-order long skirts (ankle length) can be ordered.

Students may wear the short or long-sleeved shirt.

Students may wear the soft shelled jacket and/or the v-neck jumper.

Students may wear white ankle socks or navy blue or skin coloured stockings.

The school hat, cap and scarf are optional.


School shirt

School shirt

This picture shows a more representative image of the school shirt. 

Boys Academic Uniform

Boys Academic Uniform

Students have the option of wearing long pants or shorts.

Students may wear the short or long-sleeved shirt.

Students may wear the soft shelled jacket and/or the v-neck jumper.

Students may wear white ankle socks.

The school hat, cap and scarf are optional.


Sport Uniform

Sport Uniform

Students have the option of wearing the tracksuit pants or sports shorts.

Students may wear the short or long-sleeved sport shirt.

Students may wear the soft shelled jacket and/or the v-neck jumper.

Students may wear white ankle socks.


Soft Shell Jacket

Soft Shell Jacket

Students may wear the soft shell jacket as their main jacket each day of the week.




Hats, caps and scarves are all optional items.

Students may wear any brand ankle length socks.


Headscarves and Hijabs

Headscarves and Hijabs

Hijabs or headscarves must be either navy or white. Undercaps must also be navy or white (though can contrast the colour of the hijab - a white scarf can be worn with a navy undercap and vice versa). Black headscarves, hijabs or undercaps are not part of the WPHS uniform.



School Shoes

Everyday school shoes must be safe for the diverse activities students will participate in and they must meet Wentworth Point High School uniform expectations.

A range of shoe options are acceptable to be worn as uniform, but must meet the following criteria

  • Black
  • Full leather upper
  • Enclosed
  • Low heel

Students may wear sport shoes of any colour on Tuesdays. Sports shoes should:

  • be suitable for a range of physical activities like running, jumping and changing direction.
  • have a decent grip to avoid slipping
  • not have platform soles.

The following shoes are NOT suitable for sporting activity as they do not provide sufficient support or are inappropriate for walking around the school grounds: